“I can confidently say that if I was personally in need of an integrative medicine specialist, I would choose Dr. Shalini Jain.”
Dr. David Baron
Primary Caring of Malibu
“Dr. Jain is a well-trained physician who excels in the field of integrative medicine.”
Dr. Manali Shendrikar
Santa Monica Family Physicians
“Personally, I have curbside consulted Dr. Jain about patients to see if integrative medicine would be an option for them. From my past experiences with working with Dr. Jain and knowing how much she cares for her patients and wants to provide them the best treatments possible, I can say that I would seek her integrative medicine care if I ever needed it for my own health.”
Dr. Mike Lee
Family Physician, Irvine, CA
“Dr. Jain was a rare type of student who performed exceedingly well in both her basic science and clinical courses. She was extremely active and involved in issues concerning access to and the delivery of quality health care. An innovative and “out-of-the box” thinker, she exhibited a passion for what was then a different form of medical practice, integrative medicine."
N. Barry Berg, PhD
Professor Emeritus, SUNY Upstate Medical University
"As a professional and as a friend, I give all my support to Dr. Jain."
Chef Franco Pepe
Ambassador of the Mediterranean Diet,
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